Our Story

I'm Karyn and I am the Creator & Designer of I L M (pronounced eye elle em) Jewelry. I L M was established in 2009, with all designs handmade and self-taught, in Canada, by myself. Having been born and raised in Calgary, one of my main focuses for I L M is bringing unique & expressive designs not only to Canada, but especially for Alberta. When fashion is a big part of your life, you notice how much Calgary lacked those unique options in clothing and accessories.
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Because some of the first designs I L M created were custom memorial pieces, I decided to go with the name, I L M, which stands for 'In Loving Memory'. To this day, the Signature I L M Bracelet is still highly requested, with its updated version available by custom order.


Jewelry can be a form of art for self & creative expression. It is also plays a part in tradition and culture. I L M's mission is creating pieces that are not only unique but also have meaning or connection behind each design. By using natural stone and specific focal pieces, I always hope to create something with symbolic meaning behind it, as well as bringing more positivity to one's life.